Rare Newspapers, Comics & Magazines – Doodled Books https://doodledbooks.com Rare Signed & First Edition Books in London Wed, 08 Jun 2022 11:32:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/doodledbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cropped-Doodled-Books-favicon-2022.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Rare Newspapers, Comics & Magazines – Doodled Books https://doodledbooks.com 32 32 191136237 THE DIDACTIC BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS – ONE OF HIS FIRST WRITING EXPERIENCE IN PRINT! #4 https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-4/ https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-4/#respond Tue, 25 May 2021 18:58:00 +0000 https://doodledbooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2728 This item is for a rare issue of The Didactic. This issue is one of the very first writing experiences Patrick Rothfuss had in print. This paper comes with a letter of authenticity and is signed by the author. In fact this is from his very own personal collection!

The letter of authenticity begins:

“The Didactic was some of my earliest “published” writing. Starting in 1993 I wrote a humorous column for the local college paper, The Pointer. After a year or so, we parted ways. I thought they were a bunch of talentless hacks, and they thought I was a meglomaniacal prima donna. In all fairness, there was probably some truth on both sides of the argument…..”

The letter continues and ends with Patrick’s signature and is dated. This is a very rare item!

https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-4/feed/ 0 2728
THE DIDACTIC BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS – ONE OF HIS FIRST WRITING EXPERIENCE IN PRINT! #2 https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-2/ https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-2/#respond Tue, 25 May 2021 18:57:09 +0000 https://doodledbooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2727 This item is for a rare issue of The Didactic. This issue is one of the very first writing experiences Patrick Rothfuss had in print. This paper comes with a letter of authenticity and is signed by the author. In fact this is from his very own personal collection!

The letter of authenticity begins:

“The Didactic was some of my earliest “published” writing. Starting in 1993 I wrote a humorous column for the local college paper, The Pointer. After a year or so, we parted ways. I thought they were a bunch of talentless hacks, and they thought I was a meglomaniacal prima donna. In all fairness, there was probably some truth on both sides of the argument…..”

The letter continues and ends with Patrick’s signature and is dated. This is a very rare item!

https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-2/feed/ 0 2727
THE DIDACTIC BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS – ONE OF HIS FIRST WRITING EXPERIENCE IN PRINT! #3 https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-3/ https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-3/#respond Tue, 25 May 2021 18:56:01 +0000 https://doodledbooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2726 This item is for a rare issue of The Didactic. This issue is one of the very first writing experiences Patrick Rothfuss had in print. This paper comes with a letter of authenticity and is signed by the author. In fact this is from his very own personal collection!

The letter of authenticity begins:

“The Didactic was some of my earliest “published” writing. Starting in 1993 I wrote a humorous column for the local college paper, The Pointer. After a year or so, we parted ways. I thought they were a bunch of talentless hacks, and they thought I was a meglomaniacal prima donna. In all fairness, there was probably some truth on both sides of the argument…..”

The letter continues and ends with Patrick’s signature and is dated. This is a very rare item!

https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-3/feed/ 0 2726
DIDACTIC BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS – ONE OF HIS FIRST WRITING EXPERIENCE IN PRINT! #3 https://doodledbooks.com/product/didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-3/ https://doodledbooks.com/product/didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-3/#respond Tue, 25 May 2021 18:55:09 +0000 https://doodledbooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2725 This item is for a rare issue of The Didactic. This issue is one of the very first writing experiences Patrick Rothfuss had in print. This paper comes with a letter of authenticity and is signed by the author. In fact this is from his very own personal collection!

The letter of authenticity begins:

“The Didactic was some of my earliest “published” writing. Starting in 1993 I wrote a humorous column for the local college paper, The Pointer. After a year or so, we parted ways. I thought they were a bunch of talentless hacks, and they thought I was a meglomaniacal prima donna. In all fairness, there was probably some truth on both sides of the argument…..”

The letter continues and ends with Patrick’s signature and is dated. This is a very rare item!

https://doodledbooks.com/product/didactic-by-patrick-rothfuss-one-of-his-first-writing-experience-in-print-3/feed/ 0 2725
The Black Book of Secrets By F E Higgins First Edition First Printing Book https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-black-book-of-secrets-by-f-e-higgins-first-edition-first-printing/ https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-black-book-of-secrets-by-f-e-higgins-first-edition-first-printing/#respond Sun, 02 May 2021 14:53:33 +0000 https://doodledbooks.com/?post_type=product&p=2619 The Black Book of Secrets is a fabulous book by F E Higgins and the series is tipped to go far. The film rights have sold.

Product Description
“Wonderful. Anyone looking for the next big thing has come to the right place. Higgins has created a uniquely grim fantasy world that more than holds its own with Dickens or Peake. Her characters are brilliantly realised and the story grabs at the reader with hooked talons” – Eoin Colfer. When Ludlow Fitch’s parents cruelly betray him, he steals away on the back of a carriage and leaves behind the stinking City. He arrives in the dead of night at a remote village, where he crosses paths with the tall and limping figure of Joe Zabbidou – a pawnbroker with a difference. For Joe trades secrets, not goods, for cash. Employed as Joe’s assistant, Ludlow records the villagers’ fiendish confessions in an ancient leather-bound volume: “The Black Book of Secrets”. There’s the gravedigger who has been resurrecting bodies; the butcher who made a mouse-meat pie for his bullying father, with fatal consequences; the wizened bookseller who went to murderous lengths to get her hands on a priceless tome. Ludlow longs to trust his mysterious master, but he senses Joe has much to hide. But then Ludlow Fitch has his own, very dark, secrets …

About the Author
F. E. Higgins was born in England but raised in Ireland. She lives and writes in a house that dates back to the fifteenth century, in a small village in rural Kent. THE BLACK BOOK OF SECRETS is her debut, and she is currently writing THE BONE MAGICIAN, her second novel for Macmillan Children’s Books.

Product details

  • First Edition First Printing
  • Hardcover: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books (5 Jan 2007)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 1405089792
  • ISBN-13: 978-1405089791
  • Product Dimensions: 18.3 x 14.2 x 3.8 cm


https://doodledbooks.com/product/the-black-book-of-secrets-by-f-e-higgins-first-edition-first-printing/feed/ 0 2619