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Dragon Tamers 18 Carat Gold Luxury Leatherbound Edition By Emma Maree Urquhart (248)


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Great first book in the series of Dragon Tamers.  This series of books has been wriitten by an incredibly talented teenage author.  It has featured in the Book and Magazine Collector and it has been released in several countries.  A fantastic investment!

A teenager has opened a new chapter in her life, and has become a published author. But, the school pupil who takes influence from “Harry Potter” author J. K. Rowling, Terry Pratchett, and Jacqueline Wilson, has done it a lot earlier than most of her literary idols, as she is only fourteen years of age. Emma, who lives with her twin sister, and mum and dad in Inverness, Scotland, said she had always wanted to get a book published. “It has been a long ambition of mine to write a book and get it published. It is very exciting.” “I have been writing stories for quite a while, but none of them have been as good as “Dragon Tamers”.” The book tells the story of a teenage girl called Maree, who plays computer games, and one day she gets dragged into the computer game world. Publisher Aultbea Publishing have singed Emma’s book, and owner of the company Charles Faulkner said he was astounded when the family came into the office, “Emma was the youngest person that I’ve ever met with in relation to authors”. “She has an exceptional talent for her age, way beyond what she should have. She is extraordinary.” However, he did admit that he was a bit dubious when she first contacted him. “The family tentatively came in enquiring about the possibility of having her title published. At the beginning, I will admit, I thought it was going to be a waste of time, however, after I had read the manuscript I realised there was a market for it.

Product Details

  • Leather Bound
  • Publisher: Aultbea Publishing Company (Nov 2004)
  • Language English
  • ISBN: 0954934032
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